Filman Fine Art


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Who Are Filman Fine Art?

From Phil Chapman

Hello and thanks for visiting our web site.

I started Filman Fine Art in 1993 because I had a passion for the finest quality oil paintings and wanted to sell only high quality products...and make a profit in the process!

Until August, 2000 when I had the opportunity to take a beneficial redundancy package, I held a senior position in a large British Plc company that I had worked at for more than 20 years. My background is in Retail and Marketing.

This was the opportunity I had been looking for - a bit of breathing space to set up on the internet with very low overheads, give customers excellent value for money and customer service and develop the business in this relatively new global marketplace.

The following is an article that appeared on September 7, 2000 in our local newspaper that announced the launching of the 'Filman Fine Art' website.

I know it's difficult to read and takes a while to load but if you want any proof that we exist and we're who we say we are, you won't get better than this!

Article from 'Dorking Advertiser' - September 7, 2000

I'd like to say that the picture doesn't do me justice, but I'm not so sure...

I'm pleased to say that we are much busier now than when we first started, but we're still a family company, using the largely automated nature of the internet business to keep a tight control on our overheads, yet still provide personal customer service.

I'm very proud of the fact that, as you can see from the testimonials dotted around the website, our customers appear to think we have achieved this successfully!

If you have any questions or concerns about any aspect of our web site, please feel free to contact me personally at Please type in your email program (this is not a 'live' link - please type into your email program).

Best Regards,

Philip Chapman
Philip Chapman
Founder and CEO


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Filman Fine Art
York House, Chichester Road,
Dorking, Surrey, RH4 1LR, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1306 880779 (24 hours)
Founder and CEO: Philip J Chapman
Email: Contact Us Page

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Filman Fine Art, Filman Publications and Filman Marketing are part of
Filman Enterprises Limited, registered in England, number 4778558.